Janet Lynn King, 71, died on May 21, 2016 in Denver, Colorado. Born on Jan. 16, 1945 in Indianapolis, Indiana, to Lois (Armstrong) King and James William King, she graduated with the Class of 1962 from Oak Park and River Forest High School, went on to DePauw University, and then earned her Master's in Social Work from the University of Arizona. Ms. King is survived by Jennifer Morgan Draper, of Troy, Michigan; Douglas (Jada) Ayres Draper, of Denver, Colorado; her brother, Jim King, of Seguin, Texas; and her grandchildren, Henry Carson, Cate Carson, and Oscar Draper.
Sue Coblens (Young)
I have such dear memories of Janet King. She was one of the best people I knew at Oak Park HIgh. I'm stricken to hear she has died. There was just something about her that set her apart as being a notch more true to herself than any one else our age.
Penny Besinger (Hendricks)
I'm very sorry to hear of Janet's passing, she was always fun to be around and so nice.😔
Marlene Blumenthal (Mann)
Janet was always smiling and always kind. She showed genuine interest about what was going on in my life. I have warm memories of Janet!
Tom Crowley
Janet was a sweetheart. Fun, funny and great to be around. She was always positive. I am sure she added great joy to the world with her life. Tom Crowley
Patty Kennett (Black)
We were in the same home room. What a nice, gentle caring person. Never said anything negative about anyone
Her family should be proud of what she gave to others
Another very sad passing of one of our classmates
Bobbie Kaiser (March)
I feel so sad about both Janet and Phyllis. We were all such good friends. I loved my girlfriends in HS. This all brings back such wonderful memories of all the fun we had. My sympathy to both ur families
Jim King
Kenneth Ludington
Janet was a good friend of both Debby & I She had a great sense of humor& was really fun to be around Great picture Brings back fond memories
Diane Gwinn (Schaaf)
Very sad news. She was a lovely person. Condolences to her family.
Vincent King
I sat behind Janet for 4 years. She was a good friend. Very sorry to get this news. Vince King